Donate now and help the Reed Foundation to provide cases of Blue Spring Living Water to UAB healthcare workers  image

Donate now and help the Reed Foundation to provide cases of Blue Spring Living Water to UAB healthcare workers

Let's support those who are working to "Finish the Fight" against COVID-19

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Show your support for UAB healthcare workers

The Robert E. Reed GI Cancer Research Foundation was founded to raise money for GI Cancer Research and patient care at UAB under the direction of Dr. Marty Heslin. During this time of battle against COVID-19, we would like to support Dr. Heslin and his team as they continue to care for GI cancer patients as well as show our appreciation and support for all of the workers who are fighting on the front lines daily.

The Reed Foundation has partnered with Blue Spring Living Water to provide cases of water to several areas at UAB including the Surgical ICU, Medical ICU, ER and The Kirklin Clinic. Cases of water will be delivered a few days per week and will help to support the nurses, patient care techs, doctors, as well as the labs, pastoral care, police, registration workers and so many more that are working around the clock for our safety.